<h1>Georg Baselitz. Paintings 1960–2008</h1>
<h1>Georg Baselitz. Paintings 1960–2008</h1>
<h1>Georg Baselitz. Paintings 1960–2008</h1>

Galerie Rudolfinum brings inspired view to the ouevre of the one most significant German painter, Georg Baselitz (born 1938), from 10th September till 12th December 2009.

Georg Baselitz / 1960–2008 exhibition show wide section of Baselitz´s ouevre, holds all its phases and approximates painters individual style, which stays true to objective image of reality, despite of all experiments. Fact, that from the year 1969 he standing motives, figures on their head, nothing changes on it. Method of reverse image has been the most consequential step of Baselitz´s ouevre. He insecures our perception by this method, insecures also the idea of perspectively constucted image space.

Baselitz vytváří obrazy spontánně, jeho energická malba a nekonvenční obrazové kompozice se vymykají zákonitostem a vylučují jakékoliv formy kategorizace. Vývojem formy jeho díla od „idolů“ k „novým typům“, od „lomových maleb“ k „těm, co stojí na hlavě“, od „prstové malby“ k „Ruské malbě“ až nakonec k sérii „Remixů“, Georg Baselitz dokazuje, že je vždy možné odkazovat na nové cesty a metody malby, třebaže tento výtvarný žánr bývá často prohlašován za vyčerpaný.

Baselitz’ paintings are always created spontaneously, characterized by a coarse painting technique and unconventional image composition, never showing any regularity and strictly avoiding any form of categorization. With the development of his oeuvre from “idols” to “new types”, from “fracture paintings” to “standing on their head” paintings, from “finger paintings” to “Russian paintings” and finally with the “Remix” Series, Georg Baselitz proves that it is always possible to devise new ways and methods of painting, even though this art genre has often been declared dead.

This exhibition was organized in cooperation with Museum der Moderne Salzburg.

Curator: Petr Nedoma


Tuesday–Sunday 10–18

Thursday 10–20

Dear visitors, the last entry to the exhibition is possible no later than 30 minutes before the end of opening hours.

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110 00 Prague 1 

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